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Meet Rene Diane, a seasoned content creator whose journey began with a trusty Canon AE1 Program 35 mm camera back in 1987. From capturing memorable events to delving into love stories, Rene's passion for storytelling evolved with the digital age.


With the advent of the Nikon D50, Rene embraced the shift to digital photography, expanding her repertoire to include working with small businesses like the charming "Eatery Ice Creamery" in Carrboro, NC. This pivotal experience ignited a desire to explore further.


In 2010, Rene embarked on a quest to master graphic design, earning a degree that elevated her offerings to include captivating promotional materials. As social media platforms emerged, Rene adapted, recognizing the power of connectivity in today's digital landscape.


Venturing into "Digital Cinematography" and studying Social Media Management, Rene honed her skills, culminating in the birth of VYC Studios—a haven for creatives to connect, collaborate, and create. At VYC Studios, Rene invites you to experience a space where creativity knows no bounds.

Visit us today and unlock your creative potential.

VYC Studios Founder Rene Diane
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VYC Studios LLC. | Charlotte's Content Creators Studio ©2024 

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